Farms For Sale

Ways To Add Value To Equestrian Property

If you own equestrian property, for example, a barn, you should always look for ways to add value to the property. Adding value does not only make it easier for you to use but it makes it easier to sell to the right buyer. There are five projects that you can complete that will enhance the value of your property and make the space more useable.

Safe Fencing
Horses commonly injure themselves on fence boards, posts, and wires. Some of these injuries can be minor to life threatening. Wood fencing does work but it is expensive and requires consistent maintenance from the weather, horses that chew on the wood, and horses that kick or run into the fence. You can use six string braided wire, five string poly tape, or electrified rail fencing to add value to your property.

Horse Fencing
Horse Fencing

Consistent Maintenance
If you are operating a stud farm, training facility, or rehabilitation center, it is crucial that the presentation of your property impresses clients as well as future clients. Trash and leaf litter should be picked up, all gates and fences should be kept in working condition, there should be plenty of storage space for hay, feed, and tack, and adequate space available for vehicles and horse trailers and horseboxes.

Useful Features
Hot walkers, wash bays, covered arenas, stalls, feed rooms, and tack rooms all increase the value of the equestrian property. The design of the property should take advantage of the space available and the terrain.

Horse Menage
Horse Walker

When you are building or adding onto your horse property, you should invest in materials that last. Short term savings do not translate into higher re-sale values. Fencing, barns, arenas, and other structures are investments. You should always budget for high quality materials that are easy to maintain, last for a long time, and are functional.

Equestrian Property
Pastures and Paddocks
Properties that have pastures and paddocks are at an advantage. Several well-kept pastures allow horses to be rotated on grass throughout the year. Year-round turnout improves horses` overall well-being. Access to three sided shelters and fresh water, well maintained fences, and manure removal are essential items to keeping your property in great shape.

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Ways To Add Value To Equestrian Property